the pandemic has accelerated the breaking of already very corrupted systems and one of them is the anti-sexual violence sphere. The speed of the Qa*nification of the topic is the culmination of chronic under-investment in research-based, good faith, survivor-led initiatives.
the truth is that survivors are TIRED & it literally puts us in MORE danger putting ourselves out there.

so it's so easy for non-traumatized, bad faith actors who *do* have $$, resources, & institutional support to swoop in and cause more harm for the people they claim to defend
when I saw the Bidenthe*** vs Trumpthe*** hashtags trending the other night, I was sick to watch the memeificiation of trauma. literally people just using victims as pawns for their insignificant Twitter battles.

it's dehumanizing to keep using women and children as pawns.
the anti-sexual violence sphere partly isn't prepared for because it's been chopped up into bureaucratic entities to get grants as grassroots initiatives struggle and compromise. Leaders are expected to do a lot for so little. And survivors aren't invested in as *individuals*
i wonder how much less scary things would be if we had true media and trauma literacy. a robust sector that comprehensively address sexual violence prevention and had the time to counter the widespread mis- and disinformation that proliferating traditional & social media
and as that conspiracy theory spreads through white women's spaces, I see the failure of the antirape sphere to not center white women. What if feminism actually practiced the intersectionality it preached? What if we didn't perpetuate the notion it's mostly for WW?
just spitballing but i see a lot of mistakes that are being ignored as people act surprised about all of this. unfortunately, the antirape sector has been overrun by people who use it as an ego boost and stepping stone to politics while the most vulnerable struggle for basics
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