as someone who can’t even say the d-slur because it still personally hurts me, it’s weird to read all the discourse about who ‘can’ or ‘cant’ say it. idk if this makes sense but seeing non-lesbians who want so badly to say it or use the slur left & right just makes me remember
every time i got called a d*ke in high school. i wasn’t even out as a lesbian & it made it harder to come to terms with my sexuality because i didn’t want to be associated with that word. people use it way too casually. it’s not ‘fun’ to reclaim slurs, it’s a painful process
that takes longer for some of us. i still can’t say d*ke, even though i have every right to reclaim it. so if you’re not a lesbian, consider not using it or at least have some respect and don’t say it around lesbians. idk why this is a controversial take. just be considerate.
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