A thread for all the anti-'lockdown' people. Let's do it with logic.
1/n Practicalities. The so-called lockdowns haven't hurt widely as much as the virus has just by itself. Look at how badly Sweden is doing economically, look at how good South Korea is doing (w/ lockdowns!)
2/n People wave their hands and say things must 're-open', but none of it's clear as to what or how. The one single major factor downing the economies: lack of tourism. The coming economic depression is baked in now because of that. https://twitter.com/Gurdur/status/1284770095269580802
3/n Facing the economic depression: it's already baked in. Unavoidable. This is precisely why governmental action on unemployment/"furlough" monetary benefits was and is so vital; without that, people would starve. The benefits help in a Keynesian way to bring recovery.
4/n Even if someone waved a magic wand, and people went back to behaving like last year, the coming economic depression would still be savage. If you're anti-'lockdown', you *must* have better suggestions, the depression is like winter, winter is coming.
5/n And people won't go back to behaving like last year for quite a while. Epidemics that kill and sicken lots have that effect. Deal with it, come up with good suggestions. There's no magic wand.
6/n On the right of it all: I've warned y'all since March that you'll all be greatly surprised about the weight & power of quarantine laws. They're much tougher than anti-terrorism laws — & for very good reason. Study the history of epidemics. Govts & societies have the right.
You can follow @Gurdur.
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