1 "We also came to the realization that DNA does not have an 'immortality gene' built into it; indeed, in order for the DNA molecule to survive & thrive, it must 'kill off' each generation, so that a new generation - with new combinations & new capabilities - can take its place.
2 "This would make sense if a race of intelligent beings had decided, that the last thing they needed, was 2 generate billions of immortal machines. (Imagine what the earth would have looked like if the Model-T Ford had been designed to be immortal, & could reproduce endlessly!)"
3 Few paragraphs later:

"Human beings want to live forever (or, at least, to have the option of living for as long as they like). This desire is completely at odds with the genetic program, as far as we understand it, but it is nonetheless, very real. There have been practices &
4 "procedures designed to prolong life, whether Chinese alchemy or Indian yoga or the elixir vitae of the European savants, leading up to the present-day obsession with longevity, cryogenics, and the like. This is a metaphorical slap in the face of Richard Dawkins’ idea of the
5 "'selfish gene,' which does not want any such thing. Is it possible that this desire for immortality is an indication that some part of us is immortal? From where did we humans get this obsession with immortality? Does the DNA molecule have a secret message encoded within its
6 "enormously long chain of nucleotides, a message that can only be decoded when humanity has reached a certain level of genetic diversity & strength? Did previous generations have to die off, as controlled by the DNA molecule, until a certain critical mass was reached, at which
7 "time the human race would be prepared to achieve (or, perhaps more correctly, realize) its own immortality? Is there a link between human conceptions of immortality & consciousness itself? Is DNA the source of this consciousness? Further, if it is, is DNA itself conscious?"
8 ~Sekret Machines: Man by @Peter_Levenda @tomdelonge

Food 4 thought. If "someone" purposely limited our lifespans, what would our expected lifespan have been w/o that interference? And did we get the "immortal" idea by seeing how other beings lived "forever" like Noah at 950?
9 Or, is it deeper than that, as PL & TD suggest? Did someone teach us our "souls" are immortal or did we learn that by exploring consciousness via alternative states? Hallucinogens? Meditation? This excerpt is another reason why I love this book so much. Not your usual UFO book!
10 Did someone create/genetically manipulate us human "machines" into existence 4 their own selfish purposes? Did they make sure we had the urge 2 procreate but also the inability to live forever so we wouldn't overpopulate the planet? It seems that's what PL & TS are suggesting.
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