#SuicidePrevention Post:

This picture was taken during a time where severe depression, anxiety, & suicidal ideations were in my mind & heart non-stop.

I took this picture with my son Duce to remind me of the pain of abandonment my wife & kids would bear if I took my life.
A few years beforehand I opened up about my battles to people I trusted. Some didn’t understand, how I, a pastor and preacher of the Gospel could have such struggles. This inability to understand was no fault of theirs. I didn’t even understand my own struggles.
Others times I shared my struggles to others, they showed little interest, but used what I shared in vulnerability against me in later seasons of life.
Over the past year since @JarridWilson’s death I sought out help & asked: @ea_horton, @goseelos, @ivanyo9, @nwood488, @TylerSmithLBsea to walk with me.

Also, my have life-long brothers @JoshWesley, @Goodshotfilms, @TopSpinKC, & @manwellreyes.
Thanks to my dear friend @DerwinLGray, who reached out to me when he noticed my posts about struggling after Jarrid’s death.

He connected me to @DocAmen who assessed me, scanned my brain, analyzed my lab work, & began to provide me with ongoing therapy.
@DocAmen taught me about brain health and prescribed me two medications that are working. I’m not where I was a year ago today, thank you Jesus!

Life still gets hard, bad days do happen. Yet, w/ the Lord’s grace & a team of people loving me, walking in victory is possible too!
God never intended us to walk thru this life alone. When we live in isolation it’s easy to believe the lies, because they become the echo chamber in our mind.
If you are struggling with Suicidal Ideations, if you feel like no one will believe you, if you have opened up to others and they don’t check up on you, please call 1-800-273-8255.

There are people who will not only believe you but also be able to help you.
You can follow @da_horton.
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