Say what you want about Lower Decks, but Mariner is an all-time great Star Trek villain.
Imagine how much worse this show would be if the writers expected us to find her sympathetic or even cool! Ridiculous.
I don’t mind the show, but Mariner’s character is such a misstep.

The writers seemed to think it would be charming and hilarious if one of the main characters thought the Star Trek universe was uncool. But the viewers don’t feel that way, that’s why we’re watching Star Trek.
This is such a great point. One of the main reasons Star Trek is so beloved is that it portrays a group of people who are (mostly) good, (mostly) doing what they think is right, and (mostly) there to support each other. It’s comfort TV.
Anyway, I’m starting to repeat myself so I’ll leave you to your Saturday afternoon. Here’s a thread about the missed opportunity of Lower Decks I did back when it premiered:
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