At the end of 1st lecture I asked my students "What is your biggest worry right now?" Take a second & read some of their responses, & if you're a prof, remember that our students have so much more on their shoulders than your 1 course

#HigherEd #WomenInSTEM
-my parents who are essential workers
-my mental health and if it will prevent me from succeeding
-digital overload
-climate change. I can't sleep because of it
-my brother's chemo
-being already behind
-I can't pay for both rent and food
-failing class
-not making friends
-never reaching my dreams because of covid
-both my parents lost their jobs
-disappointing everyone depending on me
-not keeping up with prof expectations
-not keeping up with all 5 classes
-calculus (this was mentioned a lot)
-I'm not ready to become an adult
-my parents might see me as a failure
-uncertainty about online learning
-uncertainty about life in general
-my health (I have pre-existing conditions)
-financial aid
-time management
-can't stop procrastinating
-knowing I won't do as well here as I did in high school
-that I'm going to learn my dreams aren't realistic and probably won't happen
-my parents in India
-my mom's cancer surgery was delayed

...and 100s more responses

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