1. It's wrong to refer to anti-White discrimination as "racism"

I've been trying to explain this but I don't think I'm doing it right

It's actually accurate to refer to it as reverse-racism

I've been trying to explain that anti-racism IS reverse-racism
2. Why is it wrong to refer to anti-White discrimination as "racism"?

Well for starters, you are agreeing with the narrative that "racism" is evil which must be fought against

Even worse, you are saying that that "anti-racism" must be supported
3. The problem is that you can try calling anti-White discrimination "racism" (and maybe this even makes sense to you) but that's not what "racism" actually is to the public

When you say "racism" what 95% of the population instantly thinks of is White men oppressing brown men
4. This is because it has been PLANTED into their heads that way

They have been shown countless images and movies and books and documentaries and TV scenes and news stories about "racism" and it always consists of White people oppressing brown people
5. It's like if a feminist says "kill all rapist oppressors"

And you agree with her "yes! kill all rapist oppressors!" thinking that theoretically women can also rape men

In reality for the feminist and for 95% of the population "rapist oppressors" means MEN not women
6. I don't care if in your theoretical reasoning inside your head "rapist oppressors" means any people who are rapists and who oppress regardless if they are male or female

In reality and to everyone else "rapist oppressors" is a code term for MEN
7. Likewise when people say "destroy racism! kill racists!" that is literally code for "destroy whites kill whites"

I don't care if THEORETICALLY non-whites can also be "racists" according to your view of what the word means

To the population "racist" simply means White person
8. Also when you refer to anti-White discrimination as "racism" you are making it harder to understand the underlying brainwash mechanism behind the concept

I try to explain the mechanism the brainwash operates on here https://twitter.com/filthycattle/status/1301605520705490945
9. "Racism" is a concept related to "human equality" brainwash

"Racism" is said to be what causes racial inequality

In such a situation of inequality created through "racism" only one of the two groups can be the victim https://twitter.com/filthycattle/status/1301612735000727559
10. You are not understanding the brainwash this cult is operating on if you say "oh so any racial discrimination is racism"

Only the racial discrimination against the victim group (the discrimination which creates racial inequality) is "racism"
11. Racial discrimination against the oppressor group is NOT understood to be "racism" by the population

The population sees racial discrimination against the oppressor group (White people) as ANTI-racism which is a very very good thing https://twitter.com/filthycattle/status/1301619856408752133
12. If you think anti-racism means "not discriminating against anyone" you are very very wrong and you do not understand the nature of the brainwash your society is operating on
13. The whole brainwash operates on the notion that INEQUALITY has been created and EQUALITY must be restored

According to the illusion, the narrative, the brainwash, we are currently living in a situation of evil INEQUALITY which must be fixed and destroyed
14. You do not fix a situation of inequality created by "racist oppressors" who now have all this unfair "privilege" by simply stopping all kinds of racial discrimination and ignoring race and moving forward in peace happily into the future https://twitter.com/filthycattle/status/1301615691225862145
15. Because there is INEQUALITY to destroy


There is lots and lots of undeserved unfair evil PRIVILEGE in the hands of the OPPRESSORS
16. What do the cultists mean when they say "white silence is racism/oppression" ?

If you do not read my FUCKING THREADS and FUCKING PAY ATTENTION TO ME you MOTHERFUCKER then what they say might sound crazy but it's actually not
17. As explained, according to the narrative, according to the illusion, we are living in a situation of very evil very horrible INEQUALITY

White people who simply say nothing and do nothing and just stand there are White people who are not doing anything to fight the inequality
18. White people who do nothing to fight against their unfair "privilege" (in equivalent words to fight inequality) are White people who accept and agree with the inequality which has been created through evil oppression

Therefore White people who do nothing are oppressive
19. When you say "I agree that racism is wrong" you are agreeing that racial inequality is wrong

And racial inequality between blacks and Whites can only mean black victims, white oppressors

Because duh

It's never the other way around

Also because that's what TV repeats 24/7
20. So what I'm trying to explain is

If "racism" meant "racial discrimination against any group no matter which group"

Then "anti-racism" would mean "no racial discrimination at all"

But that's not what racism means

Therefore that's not what anti-racism means
21. IN REALITY "racism" means "racial discrimination from Whites against POC"

I don't fucking care what you say, that's what it actually is

Because that's what the public thinks of when it hears the word

Because that's what TV tells the public it is
22. And also because "racism" is a concept related to "racial inequality"

And when you have racial inequality between two groups there can only be one group that "benefits" from the situation of artificial inequality created by evil demonic oppression
23. This means that anti-racism literally means reverse racism

Anti-racism means discrimination against Whites

Anti-racism means restoring equality

It means removing evil privilege from White people

It means forcefully taking nice shit from White people
24. Again, read this thread to understand the brainwash and the cult terms and how it all fits together and all makes sense

It's not complicated

It's actually pretty dumb https://twitter.com/filthycattle/status/1301615691225862145
25. So why should people stop saying that "racism" means "racial discrimination against any group no matter which group"

Because the logical conclusion to saying that is that anti-racism is a good thing and must be supported
26. When you say "I agree that racism is wrong" you are saying "I agree that anti-racism is good"

The problem with that is that anti-racism literally ultimately means exterminating the White race

"Anti-racist" policies literally lead to the extermination of the White population
27. You can try saying that white people are victims of "racist oppression" but nobody buys it

Because White people are clearly PRIVILEGED

White people clearly have lots of nice shit that blacks don't

As such White people cannot be the victims here I'm sorry
28. Of course the real explanation for inequality is that Whites and Blacks are VERY different genetically and are practically different animals from an objective point of view

But this explanation is NOT ALLOWED because everyone is operating on "human equality" brainwash
29. I'll never forget how the ***s censored AmRen's racial differences in IQ video so quickly on youtube

***s understand PERFECTLY that if the "human equality" delusion collapses their entire propaganda scheme collapses
30. Because if people no longer believe that all humans are "equal" then instances of real and naturally occurring inequality can no longer be blamed on "oppression" and therefore be weaponized against the White population
31. Anyways, this is what's happening

When conservatives say "we agree that racism is wrong and must be fought against"

And when liberals say "we agree that racism is wrong and must be fought against"

They are actually saying two different things
32. The conservatives are saying "we agree that any kind racial discrimination is wrong and we must end all racial discrimination"

The leftists are saying "we agree that white people are evil and must be fought against and have their nice stuff taken from them"
33. This is why "anti-racist" leftists will like march down the street with signs saying "kill all white people" and conservatives will go

"well hold on a second now this is clearly racism! aren't they supposed to be anti-racists?"

34. "Hold on a second all the policies the so-called anti-racists are enacting are clearly racist against White people! This doesn't make sense!"

If they read my threads they would maybe understand what's actually going on here
35. The problem is that by incorrectly and naively believing that "racism" means "any racial discrimination" they agree to go along with anti-racist policies

But anti-racist policies are just policies to attack White people
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