Hey so @YaleClimateComm has released a new set of my very fav maps that break down US opinion by congressional district + county. Here are two things people's opinions changed a LOT on in just one year, and two where they did NOT. Any guesses on which they are? Here we go ...
1. Is global warming happening? Numbers have jumped from 67% (left) to 72% (right) and opinions have solidified across the middle and eastern US where many were formerly doubtful.
2. Will global warming harm people in the US? People who say "yes" are now 61% versus 57% in 2019, and scales are now weighted in the direction of yes (orange colours) across most of the US including the previously doubtful centre of the country. Alright {sigh} centER.
3. Will global warming will harm YOU personally? Virtually no change here, and that's a big problem. Because as I talk about below, "psychological distance" is one of the biggest barriers to climate action. If we don't think it matters to us, why fix it? https://foreignpolicy.com/2017/05/31/everyone-believes-in-global-warming-they-just-dont-realize-it/
4. Lastly, the polling question that inspired my TED talk - do you ever talk about it? No change there, either. And that's very bad news: because if we don't talk about it, why would we care? And if we don't care, why would we act?
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