(THREAD) Translation: "If people don't understand what money is, there can't be a real democracy." Some of the truest shit I've ever heard. (1/5) https://twitter.com/publico_es/status/1304746831059062785
Because no one understands money, we all think the government is "making hard choices" by not bailing out the people during this health and economic crisis. (2/5)
This allows Republicans (and Democrats to a *slightly* lesser extent) to get away with allowing thousands of people to die, be removed from their houses, lose their jobs, lose their unemployment benefits, etc. without having any electoral repercussions. (3/5)
If you haven't looked into #MMT, then you don't know how money really works. I recently read @StephanieKelton s "The Deficit Myth" and I really believe that if the average person understood MMT even slightly, (4/5)
the Republican Party and corporate wing of the Democratic Party would be done basically instantly. We cannot have real democracy while people don't understand how money works and their elected officials lie to them to brainwash them into a false choice of economy vs health. (5/5)
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