1 pm pst

The Smiths

with @mikejoycedrums
& producer @StreetStephen


(i’ll be tweeting some stuff in this thread)


morrissey chose the cover from the final scene of the 1964 french film l’insoumis, in which star alain delon takes his last breaths as he lays dying.

(sped up 2x cause he sure takes his time 🤓)
the queen is dead


morrissey had a fascination with 60’s british cinema. the intro is lifted from the The L-Shaped Room (1962). the actors are singing the war song "Take Me Back To Dear Old Blighty,".
the queen is dead


the entire band on this track
... #TimsTwitterListeningParty

marr: “the smiths had been dismissed in some quarters as a kind of whimsical indie pop. the title track would prove how wrong that assessment was.”
... #TimsTwitterListeningParty

for the title track, marr took inspiration from velvet underground’s sterling morrison on “i can’t stand it”.

he was “taken with a few seconds of [morrison’s] scratchy rhythm guitar that comes in just before the singing.”
... #TimsTwitterListeningParty

marr: “people are often very impressed by ... technical prowess, but I’ve always fallen for a guitar that goes ‘da-da-da-da-da’. It’s primal and human, and it avoids the ego trap that gets in the way of making a simple statement.”
... #TimsTwitterListeningParty

marr: “i’d been playing through a wah pedal, and when i put my guitar back on the stand it made a feedback noise that was in exactly the same key as the track... i kept the guitar feeding back and rocked the pedal to make a ghostly kind of howl.”
... #TimsTwitterListeningParty

life is very long when you’re lonely
frankly, mr. shankly


a barely veiled open letter to the head of their music label, rough trade.

moz blamed travis and the label for poorly promoting the band and the resulting lackluster charting of their singles. he wanted out, but owed an album.
... #TimsTwitterListeningParty

one of the first songs morrissey & marr wrote for the album, just as tensions between moz & rough trade were reaching the breaking point.

moz mocks travis’ poem he wrote as an attempt at flattery and reconciliation.
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frustrated by the injunction on the album, marr decided one night to steal the master tapes.

“if the band weren’t allowed to have the album then no one else was. I would break into the studio and liberate [it].”

he was caught in the act. 😆
i know it’s over


everyone has a song they turn to in their bleakest times. this is mine.

sounds cliche & hyperbolic, but i can’t listen to it in normal times. it takes me right back. skipping it now.😶
... #TimsTwitterListeningParty

jeff buckley did an amazing cover.

never had no one ever


moz: “it was the frustration that i felt at the age of 20 when i still didn't feel easy walking around the streets on which i'd been born, where all my family had lived.”
... #TimsTwitterListeningParty

i’ve had this poster up on my wall in every place i lived since the album dropped
. #TimsTwitterListeningParty

marr on the photo: “It felt natural to have [it] taken in salford. the band’s aesthetic had drawn a lot from the area... a quote from delaney, or images of finney or tanner. standing on the corner of the real coronation street was us in our world.”
... #TimsTwitterListeningParty

marr on the photo (cont.): “the ones I didn’t like i marked as usual, such as one where i was cowering behind morrissey because i was cold. when the record came out, the one i’d marked as bad was the picture that was used.” 😠
cemetry gates
(morrissey’s misspelling)


moz, having a professed obsession about death, contemplates mortality as he wanders the cemetery, which he often did in his youth.
... #TimsTwitterListeningParty

referencing keats, yeats, and wilde, he declares the latter’s romanticized take on death as the one he prefers.

in “the canterville ghost”, “weird lover” oscar wilde writes:
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sentiments morrissey also reflected elsewhere in the song “asleep”, asking the (mother? record?) to sing him to (eternal) sleep. “don’t feel bad for me... i will feel so glad to go.”
. #TimsTwitterListeningParty
here, moz claps back at critics who’d called him out for paraphrasing others in his lyrics.

he chides another for plagiarizing shakespeare... ironically just after paraphrasing a scene from the 1942 film “the man who came to dinner”. having a laugh.
bigmouth strikes again


morrissey railing at the music press for relentlessly hounding him and for their tabloid journalism.

perhaps a bit overdramatized to compare his plight to that of joan of arc. but, hey, this is what he DOES.
... #TimsTwitterListeningParty

this is a perfect smiths song.

all the elements are there.

everything the four of them do well individually is in overdrive, and it all meshes flawlessly.
... #TimsTwitterListeningParty

when the album dropped, bigmouth was the most-loved track by my college peers.

yes, it was the first single. but we all had the full album from the get-go.

if it came on at a party, *everybody* sang along, especially with “la da da da da”. 🤣
the boy with the thorn in his side


moz: “the thorn is the music industry and all these people who never believe anything i said, tried to get rid of me, wouldn't play the records.”
... #TimsTwitterListeningParty

moz (cont.): “i wanted [fame] for so long and now i’ve got it. isn’t that odd? the strangest thing in the world is when you get what you really pray for.”
vicar in a tutu


the holy name church at manchester university quarter
there is a light...


moz’ lyrics elaborate on new york dolls’ “lonely planet boy” in which johansen pleads with his crush to drive him far away from a home that doesn’t feel like one.

moz, of course, embellishes with lovers-leap style death by crash.
... #TimsTwitterListeningParty

marr on initially composing ‘there is a light...’: “it had a breezy minor chord pattern that went to an uplifting chorus, and i’d inserted a rhythmic skip from the velvet underground for some mischief, as they’d copied it from the stones.”
bye bye
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