👏 thread on debunked claims of uyghur “victims”/“escapees” of “concentration camps” 👏

((play this card whenever people ask “what about the ACTUAL VICTIMS of the camps!1!??”))
1/? mihrigul tursun claims she was tortured at a “concentration camp” but her brother says she has never even been to the reeducation centers. she also claims her son “died in the camps” but her sister reveals her son is safe and healthy in egypt
2/? mahire niyaz claims her parents are “missing,” her dad refutes this and is retired, living healthily, and raising his 3-year-old grandson
3/? rebiyah kadeer claims 20 of her relatives were detained and sent to reeducation centers. her granddaughters and son refute her claims— they are living healthy and normal lives
4/? aziz elkun, interviewed by cnn, claims he’s lost his fathers remains and hasnt been able to contact his family. his mother takes cgtn to the site of the remains and says aziz was actually back in late 2017 to care for his ailing father
5/? nurbiya ahmattohti and other parents refute RFA claim that children died while their parents were detained. no one in nurbiya’s family has ever been sent to the reeducation centers, and one of the reports cites a nonexistent child
additionally, zumrat claims that she was “forcibly sterilized at the concentration camps” while zumrat’s family denies she was ever sent to a reeducation center, and that her sterilization surgery resulted from an illness discovered after she had her third child
8/? dolkun isa claims that his parents died in “concentration camps.” azgul isa, his elder sister, explains that in reality they passed due to old age and illness http://en.people.cn/n3/2020/0113/c90000-9648237.html
10/? cgtn interviews halinur, whom abdullah rasul claimed online was part of a group of “missing” graduates from vocational schools. halinur is working at a restaurant and postulates that rasul might’ve been coerced to make such claims https://twitter.com/cgtnofficial/status/1210148581832720384
addendum- for those of you who might complain that this thread is full of “propaganda” or “chinese state sources”, i impore you to find sources that do not cite or link back to cnn, ap, bbc, rfa, or other sources that are highly associated with western state media?
addendum 2- i also highly encourage skeptics to watch this documentary “loyal citizens of pyongyang”, which explores claims of “escapees” of the dprk. although not entirely related, it supports the idea that these testimonies are often falsified
addendum 3- this thread reveals connections between other “activists”/“escapees” and the cia. https://twitter.com/truth2upeople/status/1286194974657191937?s=21 https://twitter.com/truth2upeople/status/1286194974657191937
11/? gulbahar jalilova claims to have witnessed “organ harvesting” and “forced abortion” in these vocational centers when in actuality she has never even been in the centers. furthermore, she’s not even from china
12/? sayragul sawutbay claims to be a teacher at one of these “concentration camps”. she actually has never been to a vocational center and was actually detained because she was suspected of fraud
13/? enver tohti, famous for claiming that doctors are “harvesting organs” from uyghur detainees, admits himself that it’s a hoax. https://twitter.com/carlzha/status/1210714535952150528?s=21 https://twitter.com/CarlZha/status/1210714535952150528
14/? plenty of people whose pictures and names were claimed to be missing in such collections as xj victims database and #stillnoinfo tag are actually doing fine, including abdughappar abdurusul, adil mijit, and bahargul erkin https://twitter.com/Sky_Blue168/status/1309708630686531584
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