The amount of hypocrisy over football is mind blowing:
You’ve got national pundits shaming Coach Day and OSU for campaigning yet they’re commentating on games being played today, as if it were a normal Saturday.
You have College Gameday which employs Desmond Howard thanking
Notre Dame for possibly saving the ACC, yet Desmond doesn’t think the B1G should play.
You have media types who believe Covid is the worst thing ever celebrating the return of football yet still not blaming the B1G for not playing.
What’s good for the goose is good for the gander
We can all enjoy football, and be glad it’s back. But if you’re angry that OSU wants to play or don’t think the B1G should be playing and are covering a game/enjoying a game/ or basking in the “normalcy” football is bringing you than you don’t deserve to be in the media
I understand smaller leagues shutting it down, it makes zero financial sense to only play a league schedule. What I don’t get is how the science is so different from Atlanta ( SEC HQ) to Chicago ( B1G HQ). Science is supposed to be finite, not subjective
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