The leader refused to disclose either whether the inspections had been concluded or when the reports would be publicly available. /2
The leader directed me to request that information from my children’s principals (I did, they didn’t have it & the leader knew perfectly well they didn’t/were not at liberty to disclose even if they did). /3
This leader takes marching orders directly from Minister Churchill as a result of #Bill72. In turn, school principals have a duty to strictly obey this leader or face termination without just cause as a result of #Bill72. /4
Neither the Minister, this leader nor any principal is accountable to parents in any way as a result of #Bill72. Together, they have absolute power to withhold vital information (ex: status of school ventilation during a pandemic) from students, families & staff /5
Despite calls from @NSTeachersUnion that every family should receive a detailed safety audit re: classroom conditions for the physical spaces their children will attend/learn during a pandemic...(continued) /6
...the Minister, Premier & Dr. Strang continue to make repeated, public & unsubstantiated claims about the status of ventilation in schools despite compelling evidence from teachers & students that promised inspections, maintenance & repairs remain incomplete in many schools. /7
Fast forward 2 weeks.

When the box fan/filter photo was shared, I received direct communication from the same senior #nsed leader requesting that this site location be privately disclosed because the device was a clear/imminent fire risk.

Let that sink in. /8
The leader who publicly toed Minister Churchill’s line to parents in HRM that ventilation in over 130 schools met all benchmarks/operated at full capacity privately asked the NSTU to say which school unsafe ventilation had been installed by site admin.

Know. /9
The source of the photo reported that each @NSTeachersUnion member at the site was individually questioned by the principal to determine who took/shared the image. No teacher was allowed to consult their union before being questioned. /10
A senior leader privately questions, with a commitment to protect a source’s identity, at the same time the site principal is interrogating/intimidating teaching staff- not to ask about safety/ventilation conditions to remedy issues- but to minimize PR fallout. /11
Parents need to know how hard #nsed system leadership is pushing to suppress teacher & staff voices that provide evidence that school conditions are not safe.

Teachers are risking their careers to make sure parents know what is actually happening in classrooms. /12
It doesn’t matter whether these directives come from Minister Churchill or not. #Bill72 means he is SOLELY responsible for all anglophone #nsed schools. Remember he wrote, presented & passed the #nspoli law that gave him those powers in 2018. /13
Unsubstantiated claims, lack of transparency & intimidation/suppression of staff voices in #nsed schools aren’t attack ads from a whiny union.

They’re a serious public health issue of vital interest to everyone in this province. It impacts every single system in NS. /14
It’s time for Minister Churchill & the Premier to release the complete, unredacted school-by-school records on ventilation inspection & repairs to parents & staff.

Lives depend on it. We cannot silence frontline voices again & recreate Northwood in our schools. /fin
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