I'm actually just beginning to accept that my #ADHD is a disability. With accommodations, I can do my job, but I absolutely need them to perform at the level I am capable of. https://www.additudemag.com/adhd-law-americans-with-disabilities-act/ https://twitter.com/denise_theuri/status/1304783590052573185
This is a great resource for finding workplace accommodations for ADHD: https://askjan.org/disabilities/Attention-Deficit-Hyperactivity-Disorder-AD-HD.cfm?
I think it helps a bit that I know other people with various disabilities who are still *badass.* Having a disability doesn't make us inherently less valuable or valid, it just means we have an impairment that needs accommodating.
Also I want to be clear -- I am not saying everyone with #ADHD has a disability. Only that I am beginning to accept that mine is, for me. I'm just starting to shake the stigma around it. Let me have that. <3
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