Let's take a moment to talk about how context determines meaning. The denotation of this billboard is that whoever paid for it is just the hugest Harry Potter fan, but there's no specific reason to express that thought right now. No new movies or books or anything like that. https://twitter.com/sophiaphotos/status/1304812479990571008
This means two things. One, people can insist it means only what it means—somebody loves Rowling—but the question remains: why now? Given *when* it's been put up, the events that preceded it wrt Rowling herself, there's another meaning that makes way more sense. It's a "defence."
Rowling has been saying some really hideously transphobic stuff lately, and her tactic has been to claim she's the victim, likely because it's conceptually consistent with her rhetoric of victimhood, that trans rights are an "attack" on women. She might even be sincere.
This billboard is part of that defensive posture: someone's "attacking" an author I love (for saying something I implicitly agree with), so I'll "defend" her with a billboard.
The real implication, especially for a trans person who sees that and knows what Rowling has been saying, is a threat; i.e., the attempts to make trans women *safe* (eg, by putting them in the women's bathroom) are unacceptable and will be reversed or refused.
Context determines meaning at least as much as the words themselves. If you don't get that (or refuse to acknowledge that) then you can't identify threats when they're uttered, and people can utter threats and pretend they're perfectly innocent.
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