At this point, y’all are giving gay men a reason to be misogynistic by continuing to push this “stay out of women’s business” narrative.

When that manifests into real harm, you’ll wish you would’ve minded your business the way gay men currently are.
If you keep this homophobic bullshit up, I guarantee, one of y’all is gonna get the shit knocked out of you. Then you’re going to come on Twitter, crying about it and expect sympathy because you identify as a woman. You will get none.
You continue to provoke and belittle gay men with the assumption that we will simply never retaliate because we’re gay. You are terribly mistaken and if you haven’t realized it, you will.
You’re like people at zoos that poke tigers through the cage and act surprised when they get mauled...because right now? You’re over the railing.
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