1/ The Proud Boys are rallying in Philly on the 19th and Portland on 26th.

Meet "Redleg," aka Todd M. Clark, of Cheshire County, New Hampshire.

He's the President of the NH Proud Boys and runs Proud Boys Uncensored, the largest PB channel on Telegram.

Clark is also a neo-Nazi.
2/ He's running for Proud Boys Elder, the leadership elections happening at WestFest this weekend, despite being a neo-Nazi.

He claims to have the support of chapter Presidents.

And given that he runs the largest Proud Boys channel on Telegram, there's a good chance he'll win.
3/ The Proud Boys Uncensored channel shares a variety of racist content, introducing PB members to further-right content, like Eric Striker (real name Joseph Jordan), neo-Nazi podcast host at The Right Stuff, and Striker's "National Justice" website.
4/ Every day, Clark shares a variety of antisemitic conspiracy theories to his audience, which is 7157 subscribers as of this writing.
5/ There's a distinction we need to make.

The Proud Boys are a hate group, but they claim that they're not racist or antisemitic.

Instead, they rely on more socially acceptable bigotries, like misogyny, Islamophobia, xenophobia, and transphobia. https://www.splcenter.org/fighting-hate/extremist-files/group/proud-boys
6/ The Proud Boys rely on the optics of presenting themselves as a pro-Trump nationalist group to fly under the radar.

But when you scratch the surface, a cavalcade of anti-Black and antisemitic conspiracy theories bursts forth.
7/ @RuthlessWe documented several of them here.

The Proud Boys Uncensored channel, which Clark runs, celebrates the death of George Floyd, shares content from neo-Nazi Eric Striker, and describes anti-police protests as "African levels of violence." https://twitter.com/RuthlessWe/status/1304596501587357701
8/ So how'd we identify Todd M. Clark, of Cheshire County, New Hampshire?

First off, he posted a picture of himself at a Trump rally in New Hampshire, noting that he was running for elder.
9/ He also noted that he runs another Telegram channel, The Hootenanny.
10/ In a series of August posts on The Hootenanny, he posted a photographs of a 1948 cookbook, written by the women of what he noted was his "new town."
11/ A closer look at the dishes reveals that they're signed with the names of the women who authored the recipes.

This one, for California Chicken Pie, is signed by an "Edith Davis."
12/ Glancing at historical census records reveals that Edith Davis lived in Cheshire County, New Hampshire, at the time of the 1940 census.
13/ This recipe for a ham souffle is signed by a Bessie Ball.

Census records confirm that Bessie Ball lived in Cheshire County, New Hampshire.
14/ Clark lives on a farm, which he calls the Hootenanny Homestead.

A Blogger profile features the same logo, and confirms that "Redleg" lives in New Hampshire.
15/ A Patreon linked from the blog lists his name as "Todd Clark."

But that's a pretty common name!

So how do we know which Todd Clark in New Hampshire it is?
16/ Clark posted photos of a distinctive purple bird on his Hootenanny Telegram channel.

Like a lot of Proud Boys, Clark doesn't have a Facebook account.

But his father does, and he posted the same bird photo.
17/ Clark's father posted photos of Todd and his wife with their newborn, which allowed us to match them with the photo "Redleg" posted of himself.

He's even wearing the same sunglasses.
18/ Clark supports his racist activism by asking Telegram subscribers to shop on @AmazonHelp via an affiliate link.
19/ The Proud Boys announced rallies in Philadelphia on the 19th and Portland on the 26th.

In response, antifascist activists deplatformed the Proud Boys from their payment processor, their online shop, their Twitch channel, and even Mailchimp.

And we've got more coming.
20/ You boys want a violent, racist "fraternity"?

Welcome to Hell Week.

We've got more dirt on the Proud Boys, and we'll be dropping it for the next two weeks.

The rules are simple, boys-- you come out to a rally, you get exposed.

Who protects us?

We protect us.
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