Imagine if Israel was in middle of a war & missiles were raining down. Would it make sense for PM to fly to the US for a 2-night, 4-day break? Of course not.
This is how we need to view what is happening now. Israel is in middle of a war and is losing battle after battle.
While I think Netanyahu should be at signing, it doesn't need to be for so long. He could leave Monday night, land in DC Tuesday for the signing and then fly back home. No need for 1 night and definitely not 2 in the US capital when Israel is on eve of nationwide lockdown.
That is what he did in March 2019 when @netanyahu was in Washington for @AIPAC policy conference and cut his trip short after a single rocket was fired from Gaza and struck a Moshav in the center of the country.
This situation today is no different. Israel is in the middle of a war. It is a war against a health and economic crisis that is costing lives every single day. Over 4,000 people are diagnosed daily with the virus and the death toll has long ago crossed 1,000.
Hospitals are packed and the nation is heading into a lockdown that will last anywhere from two weeks to four weeks and will likely put tens of thousands of people out of work, see businesses shut down and escalate the already dire economic situation in the country.
Is this the time to fly for for almost 4 days to the US? I think he should be present to sign the agreements with the UAE and Bahrain, but the country is in the middle of a war and is losing.

A leader doesn’t leave for so long when soldiers are still on the battlefield.
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