Hi nerds, let's talk real quick about this new Biden radio ad, "Arroz," which interestingly tackles the issue of cultural competency in ads targeting Florida's Puerto Ricans.
It attacks Trump's outreach to PRicans living in FL, namely their use of "algarete" in one of their radio ads and "arroz con gandules" in another one. "If you want to talk about rice, let's talk about the 'rice with butt' that has been the Republican response to this pandemic."
Yes, "rice with butt." It is the way I'm translating "arroz con fondillo," which is a nicer version of the more vulgar phrase often used by Puerto Ricans to describe a messy situation "arroz con culo."

For Miami Cubans, you know it as "arroz con mango."
The ad closes by saying "somos más y no tenemos miedo." "There are more of us and we are not afraid."
Anyone who was in PR for the Summer of '19 during the protests that led to the resignation of Rosselló will recognize this as one of the most recurring chants of the movement.
According to the campaign the person behind this ad is Joel Maysonet, dir. of Latino paid media for the Biden campaign. He is from Puerto Rico and is also behind the Bad Bunny ad I wrote about, in which I also tackle the issue of the Spanish ad wars. https://www.miamiherald.com/news/politics-government/election/article245432900.html
I should clarify — the 2 Trump ads I referred to above are really one ad, and not two.
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