Here's a analysis thread for SINGULARITY.
Go ahead and give it a read may be💜
It's completely based on how I felt about the song, lyrics and the video.
Feel free to correct me and share your views🤗💜
#TAEHYUNG #V #BTSV #BTS #Singularity #LoveYourselfSpeakYourself
(I'll be using personal pronouns like "he", which will solely indicate the character in the MV represented or played by Taehyung. Please do not misunderstand me and link it with Taehyung personally.)
Here's the lyrics, incase you haven't or intend to go through it again🤗💜
The video begins with Tae and empty clothes hanging up. He puts his hand through the clothes and acts as if it is a different person. They are empty racks of clothing pretending to be women, symbolic of the fake relationship that the song addresses+++
+++the way he interacts with his hand can be depicted as romantic or intimate.
According to my opinion the backup dancers represent his desires/emotions.They lie on the ground & abruptly get up and lie down showing disturbance whenever Taehyung breaks apart from "the other person".++
++Which might mean that his desires and emotions doesn't want to let go of her but due to conscience and epiphany whenever he goes away from his partner his desires overflows and disturbs his mental state.
As soon as he takes out his hand and moves away we are shown the scene of cracking ice.Crack in the facade of love revealing the truth, crack in the deceptive outward appearance of love(after he suppresses his desire, that’s when the ice is shown to be cracking.)
I felt this was symbolic of the sacrifices too.
⤵️⤵️My assumption/outlook about the winter lake, Ice and upcoming spring.
(Had to screenshot or from my notes as it was exceeding the Twt text limit)
The dance moves themselves seems to have a lot of meaning, as Tae alternates between stiff, jerky movements, and more flowing ones. The stiff movements reminded me of someone being pulled on strings like a marionette, and the flowing ones seemed like someone losing control.
The backup dancers are constantly doing different things in the background while Tae is doing another.
It seems like Tae and his "emotions" are struggling with himself. I felt that it was the suppression of emotion in order to appear the required way.
The next scene,8 masks appear and Tae controls them at will.He's seen moving the masks which tells us, him putting on different masks as the situation to save the relationship or rather avoid being alone again.The fact that masks are well known to hide your true emotions beneath.
The following scenes bring a room with flowers that have overgrown, covered in newspaper clippings. Tae sits in a corner, wearing a large earring that says "LOVED" and we later see an old fashioned TV that is on and no longer works in the room.
The frozen lake is now water.
Tae constantly suppresses his own "desire" for the "woman" but it continues to exist through the backup dancers persisting in all scenes(- EXCEPT the ones where he is wearing the mask/signs of spring are there)It shows the presence of same desires,even if it's pushed down/ hidden
The ice is cracking and melting.
The flowers burning!? WI exactly can't derive the meaning.But could it mean he is neither liking the spring/change too?
Despite the fact that he's aware of the winter lake and knows that even if it seems tough spring can bring a huge turn in his life he's hesitating to choose it?
Why would he hesitate to choose spring?
Again because he's afraid of loneliness.
Not all people are strong enough to fight loneliness. Some people are weak and needs support or kind warm words to go on.
We see few scenes of sunlight hitting taehyung's face.Could it mean possible upcoming positive change or happiness due to arrival of spring?Or may be not?
The light shows hope. Something positive or better which might happen if he sticks to the path and chooses spring.
As he gets closer to knowing spring and it's consequences, the ice melts.
Tae has a flower in hand. He seems to offer the flower to the masks, but the masks avoid them. The flower represents a sign of spring. Of course the masks won't accept it. The masks are all about fakeness and continuing to put on a layer or act to be someone else++
++hence it would definitely face difficulty in accepting the reality or look for a change of hope.
The frozen ice would crack when spring comes, so of course they would avoid the flower.
This scene is the battling scene between him choosing spring or winter. He ask his own masked self to change and move to spring but the masked self keeps refusing. The mask keeps refusing to hold or even touch the flower.
Here we see the flower going away or been taken away. I assumed that the masked self dominated over the positive honest change. Hence the winter lake or the masked self wins the battle and he chooses to stay in this phase only.
The next scene we see the sunlight going away leaving taehyung in darkness again on not choosing spring. Thus marking the return of coldness again.
Nevertheless, at the next scene, he puts on his mask again.
Because again he fears to be alone. He can't afford the haunting feeling of being alone and left out or not loved. Hence being in the state of dillemma he makes this decision.
Then we see the clip of water, flower & he standing looking at his reflection on the lake. The winter lake which has completely melted and doesn't has the ice layer anymore. He has this moment of epiphany. He realizes the state he is in on seeing his reflection on the lake.
⤵️⤵️⤵️ IMPORTANT!!
⤵️⤵️I might be wrong. But it seems so!
Have a look!!
Again we find the dancing scenes. The fight between his desires and realistic honest realisation.
Then we see Taehyung covering his mouth/ face, which reminds me of the lyrics: " I don't have a voice",
"I buried my voice for you"
Demonstrating the feeling of helplessness in this situation of love. It seems that he is trying to hold on to the facade probably for his own sake.
At the ending scene he puts on the mask in the spring set/attire, with the "LOVED" earring. A hint of the true emotions shine through when a black "tear" rolls down his face. He is "Loved" while wearing the mask, but at what cost?
If you have come this long... Thank you so much for reading this looonnnggg thread with so much patience! Hope I was understandable and feel free to share your views too! Also here are some throwback SINGULARITY pictures to bless your day. Borahae💜
He's such a babie 🥺💜
These selcas hahaha😂🥺💜
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