One of the worst things about online church (beside not getting the Eucharist) is the Church being alienated from the poor and homeless.
Not only do these populations have very limited internet access (if at all), but also when churches put in place sign-up lists for services, these are usually only circulated among people on an email list or some other online means. It precludes the possibility of walk-in prayers
thereby siloing the confirmed and relatively well-off Church from the poor and homeless. Sure, soup kitchens and such might still be mildly functional, but this is much different than the Church being open to them at all times, at a moment's notice.
The modern Church needs to reckon with this prejudicial affair in coronatide. If the poor cannot be in the sanctuary, neither should I.
Of course, no one will intend to exclude the poor, but this is by and large how coronatide measures have been working out. And you don't have to live in the city among the homeless to realize it.
this is one of the biggest blindspots of “virtual Eucharist.” Beside not confecting a valid Eucharist in the first place, it is only done for the well-off and confirmed Church. When we do the Eucharist as normal, it is on behalf of the entire world, not a select few individuals
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