10.45am to 12pm.

The most auspicious time of the millennium..where the six powerful planets ( sun , moon , mercury, mars , Jupiter, Saturn) of the cosmos are going to be in their best places in the solar system....

According to the greatest of greatest of astrologers nor scientists can find this pattern for next two thousand years..nor previously

Please do the following simple remedy to get all your wishes and dreams to be fulfilled..

Bring two Arka.. ಎಕ್ಕದ ..leaves..clean them and place in your place of worship and spread wheat on them and light two ghee lamps ( mud diyas are better)..
and Keep any sankalpa of your choice and recite Aditya hrudayam...,
Lalitha sahasranamahanuman chalisa..or
any shloka of ur choice ..
Pray with faith and devotion for urself..ur family and friends and of course for the dear mother Earth..
And be blessed 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏
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cc @shenoybv @yessirtns @prettypadmaja @malini_murthy @BesuraTaansane @GaneshVMK @jtiku @pahuch
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