A thread about preordering indie comics: The dropoff in orders between issues 1 and 2 is a well documented and SUBSTANTIAL thing. It’s even worse right now. Issue 2 of GRIT was up for preorder while many shops were shut down; low initial orders led to a small print run.
When issue 1 sold out, shops went to increase orders on issue 2. Diamond ran out of 2 a week ahead of its release. Many shops, even those who ordered early (THANK YOU) were shorted or didn’t receive copies at all. I filled subscriptions at my local shops from my own comp copies.
Selling out a book is very cool but it would be even cooler if everyone who wanted the book actually got it. The folks who bought 1 off the shelf and enjoyed it, but never saw 2 come out may completely forget about the series. There are a lot of comics all the time, I get it!
This is a long-winded way of saying: Creators stress the importance of pre-ordering for a reason. Initial orders are an indicator of interest that directly impact the availability of the book further down the road. Please, please preorder your comics.
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