To put recent and future abnormal CMRIs papers in context
1. 2009 cardiac MRI study of elite athletes who had a cold demonstrated MRI abnormalities in 38% during infection, and 48% in follow up.
2. 2011 paper notes that even Late Gadolinium Enhancement (LGE) (thought to be evidence of a irreversible cardiac scar) is seen after other viruses (H1N1) and may reverse
3. A review of CMRIs of asymptomatic elite athletes demonstrates MRI abnormalities are frequently found (in sedentary controls too!)
4. Even the recent German CMRI paper that may have in part caused the Big10 to postpone their season.. noted a high % of controls had abnormalities
Cardiac MRI is a remarkable, highly useful technology in the right patients. Given the ‘abnormal’ findings in clinically normal patients , there is no support right now for chasing normal couch potatoes or elite athletes with this technology.
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