With the pages growth I said I would release some performance enhancers

Creatine - highly researched, I take the Thorne brand now, used to take KreAlkalyn (4 pills morning and night)
These will get you huge paired with eating correctly - I packed on like 40lbs muscle in 1 yr
Vitamin D 8,000iu daily - everyone is deficient, if you don’t believe me get a blood test - I could write a whole thread on the benefits, pay a little extra $ get a good brand, most of them at your local grocery are filled with bullshit and soy
Omega 3 (DHA emphasis) and B12

I buy both of mine from Cymbiotika

They are expensive but honestly liquid gold

I’m sure there are cheaper suitable ones you can buy these are just for that next level Freak
Obviously you guys know about Magnesium and Glycine

These are the two that I use - 4 mag pills and 5 glycine nightly

I have vivid dreams every single night and have never felt more rested

Some nights I’ll go to bed absolutely recked from training and sleep all of it off
I just started using Boron again as a recommendation from @AwakeningWarri3 and a tweet I saw on my TL by @SolBrah

9mg emptied into my hot lemon water in the morning - been doing it for maybe 2 weeks and I can feel the difference

Direct correlation to magnesium and Testosterone
Throw out your post workout protein drink

Orange Juice Immediately after workout with a couple Thermotabs (salt tabs)

Shuttles glycogen to muscles - glycogen and insulin are huge proponents to muscle building

If wanting to put on size throw in 1/4 cup dextrose powder
Eat a regular meal 30-40 minutes after (ideally white rice/potatoes and lean protein source)

My go to is 90/10 Grass Fed Ground Beef with spinach and 1 cup white rice (beef quality very important)

I put organic yellowbird habanero hot sauce on it - this meal is Elite
More to come soon

100% sure there are guys out there that know more than I do

I’m a former pro athlete that’s over 270lbs with abs

Used to be extremely skinny (less than 200lbs at 6-4) and at one point in college I was 310lb+

I’m just an experiment for us to learn from
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