Probably the area that I’ve seen become so confusing for athletes in the last 20 years is nutrition and hydration.

The emergence of sports science and sports nutrition research has certainly helped us maximise potential for performance and recovery.

However the billion dollar industry that is sports nutrition has also conflated and confused us due to the desire to maximise sales in my opinion.I constantly see athletes dictated to by the beliefs on what they can and can’t do with or without certain amounts, types & brands 2/
of nutrition & hydration products. Many events simply don’t need anything beyond a good balanced diet & a common sense approach pre/during/post event to fulfil their needs.

For those events that do, the amount / type is usually completely individual within generic parameters.3/
Gauge your needs on the event, climate, environment etc, there are so many variables to consider person to person, race to race, environment to environment and don’t fall for some catchy one size fits all sales pitch.

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