Things NOT to say to someone who's anxious (or is having an anxiety attack):

"Just breathe."
"Calm down."
"You'll be fine, you're overreacting."
"It's not that big of a deal."
"Why are you so anxious? It isn't that deep."
"Stop worrying."
"It's all in your head."
"Get over it."
Things you CAN say to someone who's anxious (or is having an anxiety attack):

"What can I do to help right now?"
"I'm here if you need me."
"I'm here if you need someone to talk to."
"I'm sorry things are tough right now. Sending you love."
If you feel unequipped to help someone who is going through a tough time with their mental health, a good idea is to NOT CENTRE YOURSELF. It's not about you wanting to help right now. It's about that person and what they're going through. Don't add to it.
If someone is having a tough time, the LAST thing they need is to feel like they're offending you or hurting your feelings when they tell you that you're actually not helping by saying something like "just breathe". You're effectively making it worse. So just don't.
It's really OK to just send someone a heart emoji or "I'm here whenever you need me" instead of adding to the burden of what they're going through.
Unless you're a trained therapist and they're paying you for your services, it's not your place to "help". So don't centre that in your interactions with someone who is struggling. Centre being there for them. Let them tell you what they need. That's how you help.
Finally, unless the person asked you for it, try to avoid dishing out advice when someone is going through it with their mental health. You mean well, I'm sure, but sometimes you can do more harm than good. Your presence and support means more than all the advice in the world.
And that presence and support means not having to come up with solutions all the time. It means allowing the person the time and space to feel their feelings and go through whatever they're going through while knowing that you are there, should they need you. That's how you help.
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