Women are criticized for our hobbies while men are praised for theirs. For example, women are shamed for having pets ("crazy cat lady") while men are praised for theirs (alot of men get praised for having a dog) women are seen as vapid for liking coffee while men are seen as...
...fun for liking beer. Music and movies that alot of girls like (kpop and twilight) get unprecendented amount of hate, while music and movies that alot of men like, and which might not be so good (like fast and furious) doesnt get nearly as much hate. Alternatively, if a woman..
...takes interest in traditionally male hobbies (e.g video games) she will either be seen as a faker who is doing it for male attention, and thus men will try to push her out of it (like male gamers being hostile to women in online games, or aggressively quizzing her) or she...
...will be seen as superior to other girls BECAUSE she prefers male hobbies over female ones (cool girl syndrome). It is also problematic how certain fanbases are seen as male. About half of all gamers are female, and Star Trek wouldnt exist without key women e.g Lucille Ball...
I propose that we stop seeing hobbies of women as inherently evil, femininity is not villainy. Allow people to be more fluid with gender expression, and stop seeing gender neutral hobbies as male
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