A long thread.
Sorry for alt text, I tried my best.

There is still a lot of misinformation and confusion about #E2821 my House of Commons petition and I want to clear that up and expand on why this means something to every Canadian.

And why it is so important to share awareness
1) A lot of people do not care about petitions, but this is not a random petition.

It will be presented in the House of Commons, and the government of Canada must respond.

It only required 500 signatures to be presented, but that does not mean we should stop spreading it
Every signature now represents to the government how many votes they stand to lose if they do not respond favorably.

There are over 10 million people a favourable response would affect.

Imagine the power behind this, if half of those people signed.

2) A lot of people think this is a provincial or territorial thing.

It is Federal.

The outcome affects every Canadian.

And it makes right what should have been done at the beginning, and in truth decades ago.

3) Covid-19 affects people by leaving them with long term health conditions, to what extent will not be fully known for some time.

Also, around 1 in 4 Canadians will at some point will join the disabled community.


It is part of the human life cycle.

4) Why is this so important right now?

First off, it has always been important.
Canada has the resources to keep it's people from extreme poverty, has for over 100 years.

But the timing is so very important, because the governments at every level are trying to push ahead.

The government has protected businesses, the upper working class, and wealthy.

Allowing them to be in a position to succeed on the other side of current events.

But those of us who have been abandoned will start the next stage of human life drastically behind.

The wealth divide at the top is the focus of anger and media attention, but it should be focused at the lower end of the scale.

Those before the pandemic that were in poverty, and the countless forced in to poverty during, are being pushed deeper in to poverty.

If something is not changed now, there will be more people outside of the workforce than in it and the businesses that were protected instead of people will still close.

Most people will not be able to afford to support local, or any business.

Industries collapse without us.
The current housing crisis will expand beyond imagination.

Overall mental and physical health nation wide declines, overwhelming an already overwhelmed healthcare system.

Crime rates will skyrocket.

The division we are fighting now, will divide us further.

5) The government has had the resources since day one to protect every person on Canadian soil, but purposely excluded everyone it deemed unworthy of protecting.

The Canadian government actually labeled its largest demographic as expendable.

And rewarded those they deemed worthy with mandating $2000 a month to survive.

This is our government, they answer to us, they are public servants.

Yet we allow them to deem almost 1/3 of us unworthy?

We control the government, and the pandemic has shown us that OUR neglect of our duties to each other and our country has allowed the government to violate countless human rights.

Regardless of political affiliation, we are in charge of our government.

This petition is our way of showing the government we, Canadians, humans are done with being on autopilot and coasting through life.

That the systemic discrimination, the forced poverty, and the suffering can not exist anymore in OUR Canada.

Businesses, industries, the politicians themselves, and this country can not exist without us.

Combined the abandoned make up enough to decide every election on every level, and force the changes.

This is so much more than a random petition.


The abandoned of canada are made to feel worthless, but combined we are an unmatchable force locally, provincially and territorially, and federally.

Focusing on what we do not have to survive has distracted us from what we do have, unmatched power.

Thank you for your time.
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