Want to thank everyone who ever visited @ViewsHawkeNest over the years! Excited to announce that I have signed on with a new website in case you have been missing me! All my future writing will be found on @WrestleJoy! See you there!
Looks like I'll be the official NJPW reviewer for the site! Exciting times!
Received a "We have some notes" email from the editors at Wrestle Joy about my NJPW review.
Does anyone know an employment contract lawyer
Long story short, I may have overlooked a website policy or two regarding acceptable content. Between that and being paid by the word, we have entered a bit of an impasse regarding my NJPW reviews.
Well, I quit my teaching job to work full-time for Wrestle Joy so I am not sure what's gonna happen. If you click on any NJPW reviews there from me and all you see is, "Minoru Suzuki" written 500 times and nothing else, just know we all got to eat.
You can follow @FakeTJHawke.
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