I have some thoughts about this cuties situation a thread: I've seen many people defending the film by saying "The movie is trying to fight the sexualization of children. That's what the director was trying to do" I find this position incorrect.1/
It's not my job to get the point of a film. It's the directors job to give me the point with a visual medium. This is where the director and the production team failed. They seem to have thought shock value was more important than story telling. This is quite common in films 2/
As someone who's worked on movies and knows how they are created. I know this is what the film crew were thinking when making this film. This is the problem. 3/
Does the director and the films crew believe if flashing half naked children on screen, that's not going to give pedophiles material. Do they think they helped the situation or exacerbated it. I chose the latter. Those are really 11 year old girls. 4/
So they failed at protecting those girls and put them on screen for the entire world to see. For the defenders. It doesn't matter if the directors intentions were pure. She failed at her job. If she couldn't tell the story correctly (which is possible) that's on her. 5/
Many have brought up many different films to justify the direction of the film. One person brought up Taxi Driver. It had a very young Jodie Foster as a prostitute. Love or hate this movie the comparison is incorrect. Taxi Driver never had a exploit Jodie.6/
Actually the entire movie made it clear that what she was doing was wrong. Also the main character kills her pimp at the end of the film because of it. So you knew the sexualization of this young girl was wrong. There's always been a debate on how far art can go. 7/
It's a much needed debate. Im all for artistic freedom and trying to get your point across. But as a artist always lean on the side of caution. If anyone had some of the clips of Cuties on their laptop they would be in jail. But because it has a story around it it's okay. 8/
They audition over 600 young girls for this movie. They had to sit and watch 600 young girls twerk to find the right one. There was a way make this movie. There is a way to explain a story about the sexualization of children without actually sexualing them. 9/
One of the things that makes Cuties so confusing is it makes no distinction between right or wrong. That's the problem. I watched a lot of French films. One of the themes that run though them (and majority of European) films is a lack of morals. 10/
Right and wrong are blended together and you never know if i should fill bad or fill bad about filling bad. It's a huge atheistic world view. Without God as humans do we know the line between Right and wrong? The answer is no. 11/
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