delayed spokesperson effect.

in software (and other field too), it takes time for expertise and public perception to grow. so there's a time gap between peak of someone's material work (like coding, writing docs) and being recognized as the spokesperson. \\
for example, looking at 2014-09-01 ~ 2016-09-01, I had 5x commits as Josh, but around the time he was recognized as "Mr. sbt." and deservedly so!

@jsuereth had both deep and intuitive understanding of the internals of sbt far beyond me. he even wrote a book 'sbt in Action.' \\
and I should note Josh was actively mentoring me into leadership as he generously shared big stages like Scala Days with me

even in the talk, I like listening to Josh's part as it touches on the central dilemma of sbt, and how sbt server solves it. \\
slide the time range to 2018-09-01 ~ 2020-09-01. Ethan Atkins has 2x as much commit as me in the last two years. he's pushing sbt to be more performant, and more responsive with things like layered ClassLoader and native image thin client. \\
as kudos poured to build linting feature tweet, I felt very grateful and simultaneously concerned of the delayed spokesperson effect next sbt maintainers would have to wade through, if any, for sbt is no longer my bread, but my wine. fin.
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