1/n- Everything in life is an analogous fractal for something else.

The same general truths apply to everything.

Specific paths and pursuits differ from one to the next, but the underlying rules that govern success are mostly all the same regardless.
2/n- Whether you are going to become great at guitar, great at golf, or a great trader:

There are barriers that act as a filtering mechanism to sift out the weak, the undisciplined, the unmotivated, and the ill-prepared; from ever reaching the peak of their field.
3/n- So when you first start trading you hear "only a small percent ever make it".

No shit, only a small percent of people succeed in anything that is difficult.

Your first filtering mechanism and test is right there, knowing the path you are taking has a high attrition rate.
4/4- Nothing in life worth doing, or worth doing well, is easy.

(with exception to being kind)

Mindset is everything.

You being successful is 99% up to you with a 1% drop of luck.
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