Let's talk about @BalancerLabs. While it looks like an AMM on the outside, it is much more than that.

Let's dig into it
Unlike Uniswap, in Balancer you can adjust the *weights* and the trading *fees*

This interesting feature can be used as a portfolio manager. You can always keep your portfolio in a weighted manner.

Plus you get trading fees to rebalance the pool.
IMO, that's a least interesting thing about Balancer since the weight and fees cannot be updated once you create the pool.

But are they really constant once you create the pool?

Spoiler alert: THEY ARE NOT!
Enter Smart Pools: Unlike public pools, smart pools are really flexible with the following features:

* Adjustable weights & fees
* Add or remove tokens
* Pause swaps
* Whitelist liquidity providers

Amazing right? This opens up a lot of opportunities
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