For too long, the UpCounty has had too little representation in the Montgomery County Council. This year, we have a chance to change that, by voting to expand the council to 7 districts and retaining the 4 at large seats. This will maximize our representation & voting power 1/
We also need to work together as residents of the UpCounty to elect some folks who represent our uniquely diverse, working-class perspectives and vision for the county in 2022. We had some great folks run at large in ‘18 and I know we’ll have some more. 2/
I know that’s why a lot of people have gotten behind the 9 Districts proposition. While I agree with their desire for greater representation as an UpCounty resident, I disagree on their proposal. 3/
9 single member districts would (1) decrease our representation in the Council, not increase it, & (2) fail to solve the problems that cause our underrepresentation. 4/
To the 1st point, we’d be giving up the opportunity to vote on 5 councilmembers to only vote on 1. Even if you view the UpCounty as a bloc (we’re not), we’d probably only get 1 more up here than we‘ll already get from this year’s redistricting. 5/
It also may not though. It’s entirely possible, depending on how the districts are drawn, that all 4 additional districts would go down county. 6/
To the second point, we’re not underrepresented because of some down county conspiracy. We’re underrepresented because we’re out-organized. Down county votes, we don’t. But, we can change that! We’re growing in size and our influence should too! 7/
If we’re serious about increasing representation for the upcounty, we need to talk about (1) expanding the council, (2) empowering localities through increased engagement of community orgs/ incorporation (cough cough Germantown), and (3) political organizing. 8/
Shameless plug for @GermantownDems who are trying to organize in a unique and population-dense part of the UpCounty. 9/
TLDR: I want more representation for the UpCounty and that’s why I’m voting YES on Ballot Question C and NO to Ballot Question D. 10/10
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