sooo i’m still seeing a ton of “rt and i’ll manifest weight loss for you,” so i wanted to clear up what that means and whether or not it’s reliable. (thread) ((don’t let this flop it took forever 😪))
first, you may be wondering if manifesting for someone else is even a thing. yes, it is! you can certainly manifest for someone, similar to how you can perform a spell or brew a potion for somebody else. however, there are some conditions.
you need to be aligned with what the other person is manifesting for you. for example, you can’t manifest a new job for me if i don’t want a new job. that’s not as much of an issue here, since obviously we all want to lose weight.
second, you need to be completely confident in the power of the universe and the Law of Attraction. you can’t try manifestation “just to test it out” or to see if it really works. you need to be completely sure of what you’re doing and what the results will be.
so, since a lot of people (including those who post it) don’t take manifestation seriously, your manifestation will never truly happen.
what i see as the biggest issue with manifesting weight loss for edtwt users is that many who rt the post simply don’t understand how manifestation works. that’s okay— not everyone wants to study it— but you need to have a role in it for it to work.
unlike spells or potions, both sides of the manifestation need to know what they’re doing and take action. that’s where we get to our biggest issue: manifesting requires action. rting a post and then sitting around without exercise or restriction will do absolutely nothing.
you need to take initiative, and the universe will serve as a powerful guide and aid in your endeavors. otherwise, nothing will happen.
two more things. one, take into consideration if the person claiming to manifest for you is credible. are they a witch? do they have spiritual or cultural ties to the history of manifestation? it’s not a trend, it’s a very real practice.
a lot of people will just say they’re manifesting and leave it at that, because that’s what’s on tiktok and they don’t know any better. try to look for people who really know what they’re doing.
and last, the reason most of these manifestations won’t work is because of interference. if someone sees the post and doesn’t want you to succeed, (unless you’re protected by an amulet, etc.) they’ll stop the manifestation from succeeding.
whereas spells and rituals are specific enough to stay protected, manifestation is open for anyone to mess with. you should always keep your manifestations a secret until you’re finished.
because of this, it’s best to manifest for yourself or reach out privately to someone trusted to manifest for you. either way, do research on manifestation before attempting it.
that’s the end of the thread! i’m not trying to discredit any of the people who say they’re manifesting for you, in fact they probably think that they are. and some people might be entirely credible! but it’s good to know the facts when you’re dealing with a cultural tradition :)
this is definitely NOT a complete guide to manifesting, and it’s not all you need to know. there’s still the concept of vibrations, connecting to the universe, and more that you should learn about. that’s why you should always research before manifesting weight loss, cash, etc.
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