NORTH CAROLINA: Do NOT do what the President directs. To make sure your ballot COUNTS, sign and send it in EARLY. Then track it ONLINE with BALLOTTRAX. Do NOT vote twice (it’s a felony), or waste your time, or unnecessarily risk exposure to more people.
The only GOOD thing about the President’s tweet is that he FINALLY encourages voters to VOTE BY MAIL. It’s an easy, safe & secure way to cast a ballot. To request yours: 
Important Thread on VOTING in NC:
1. Register to vote before Fri 10/9
2. Request mail-in ballot ASAP
3. Mail in your ballot ASAP & track receipt by text/email
4. or Vote during 17 days of early vote (Th 10/15 – Sat 10/31)
5. or Vote on Election Day (Tu 11/3)
REGISTRATION: To register to vote or update your registration, click link below. You must be registered by Friday 10/9. If you miss the deadline, you can STILL register & vote at an early voting site.
VOTE BY MAIL: To request your absentee ballot online, click link below. Any eligible voter can vote by mail – no special reason required. By voting by mail, you will shorten lines for those who prefer to vote in person. 
TRACK YOUR BALLOT: Have a witness when you mark your ballot. BOTH of you must SIGN the envelope. Mail in your ballot ASAP to avoid slow mail delivery (at least 1-2 weeks before 11/3). To get text/email alerts to confirm receipt of your ballot, click here: 
EARLY VOTE: If you prefer to vote in person during early vote, that’s GREAT. There will be COVID19 protocols to maximize public safety. All counties will have 17 days, including 2 weekends, of early voting. Here's your county’s early voting sites & times: 
ELECTION DAY: If you’re old school & want to vote on Election Day, that’s also great. There will be COVID19 protocols to maximize public safety. To find out where your precinct is, click this link: 
FOLLOW THE LAW: NC law PROHIBITS voters from VOTING TWICE. It’s simple – just vote ONCE! Also do NOT take a photo of your marked ballot; you can take a picture of the envelope or the blank ballot, but not once you’ve filled it out.
DEMOCRACY HERO: We need election officials for early voting & on Election Day! Many seniors who normally serve are opting out because of COVID19. Be a HERO for DEMOCRACY, serve as an election official, & GET PAID! Here’s the link:
This election is about what kind of state, nation & world we want for ourselves & our children. We are at the most consequential fork in the road of our lifetimes: who are we & who do we want to become. Please vote. It's likely the most important vote you will ever cast. ###
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