My experiential reality contends that South African women are the quintessence of womanhood: an ideal concoction of brain & brawn. The average Kenyan & Nigerian woman is a proper scandal. A heist. Yes, I said it. Nigerian & Kenyan women are, comparatively, thoroughgoing scams.
Expectedly, there are good elements among women from both countries. But if I have to walk 100 kilometers to find the next good element, I cannot use them as representatives of a community. I find more mental invigoration, more grace & less invulnerability in SA women.
I speak experientially. You might have a different experience. And it is valid. Tweet on it. But my experience tells me the average KY/NG woman is a gentrified leech. No mental stimulation, no ambition. No humor. Just ass, Youtube & banter. Come beat me.
We have a saying in Swahili that goes: "Kizuri chajiuza, kibaya chajitembeza" - Good things sell, bad ones get hawked. If you must defend (sell/hawk) yourself, then...

If 4 out of 5 men are saying SA women are comparatively better, then that's where the spring of womanhood is.
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