Really looking forward to the Mail on Sunday and the Sunday Telegraph’s coverage of school re-opening tomorrow. No doubt they will be full of praise for school staff for being back in the classroom with groups of 30 and teaching up to 150 different children per day.
I expect they will focus on the extraordinary way school leaders have overcome the challenges of delivering face to face learning for thousands of children safely, with total competence & no fanfare, while preparing for a whole range of future eventualities
It will be lovely to see them focussing on cleaning & catering staff, lunchtime supervisors, TAs, admin teams who are on the front line & are crucial in keeping schools going. The coverage they give to all the schools with 97-98% attendance will be lovely to see
No doubt they will retract all their criticism of teachers & unions & admit they got it horribly wrong. I’m sure they will instead focus on the extraordinary partnership between staff, parents, leaders, unions & governors all of whom have worked together to deliver this
I look forward to them thanking school staff & re-adjusting their laser-like focus away from teachers & onto the real failure in the system & the one thing that will jeopardise young people’s ability to attend school regularly - the huge & obvious failings of test, track & trace
I will be at the newsagent at 7am with my face mask and debit card, full of excitement to read their fair and honest analysis.
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