The new misogynists in Ireland are something to behold—intimidation to correct your thinking & ensure that your feminism must include everyone otherwise you'd be hunted with their pitchforks. How dare women demand better?
How dare women organise politically for their liberation from sex-based oppression? How dare women want to end sexual exploitation? How dare women centre only themselves? How dare women not subscribe to the terms & conditions others demand?
Non compliance means we'd be harassed & smeared. Anyone who can critically think will see the truth & who the bullies are. Misogyny has become acceptable & celebrated in this timeline. A new religion dressed as "progressive" but has the same goal: leash women they can't control.
It's possible to:
> be inclusive without removing the word "woman" or using dehumanising terms
> respect others without denying reality
> have a movement that doesn't centre everyone
> be supportive of people in the sex trade but want to abolish the system of sexual violence
The new priests and nuns in Ireland bully people who don't subscribe to their dogma. They attend the Church of the Self Righteous, with members made up of middle class people, academics, sheltered students & the privileged. They look down & attack anyone who doesn't capitulate.
Some of us have first hand experience of abuse. We know what it's like to be coerced, bullied & gaslit into submission. Your tactics are obvious. We won't be stopped.

We've got things to do, women's liberation from violence to fight. The world sadly doesn't revolve around you.
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