Being there for someone who feels suicidal: a thread.
- Let hem know you care about them and that they are not alone
- Listen to them empathetically as the more you listen the more you will understand, the less they’ll feel alone and have more hope for the future.
- Dont judge them,as this will make them feel more alone and discourage them from opening up again. Don’t criticise/blame them.
- Ask if they have felt like this before & how their feelings have changed from last time
- Ask about their reasons for living and dying and listen
- Encourage them to focus on getting through the day rather that their future.
- Be patient as it can be hard to explain what’s going on in your head when you are suicidal.
- Repeat their words back to them to make sure you have understood.
- Ensure they are safe. If they have displayed any risk of acting on their thoughts or have means to harm themselves, remove any dangers / ensue they are in a safe environment.
- Remind them how much you love them and that they are not a burden.
- Empower them by reminding them of their accomplishments, strengths, positive traits and how proud you are of them for fighting through pain they have been feeling.
- Don’t force conversation. Sometimes just sitting with them, demonstrating they are not alone is enough.
- Encourage personal care. Maybe they need to see a GP but are reluctant or scared of what may come of it. Offer to go with them.
- Reassure them that they will not feel like this forever.
- Try to get professional help for the person feeling suicidal as well as help for yourself if needed.

- Suicidal thoughts/feelings aren’t always obvious so talk to the person before jumping to conclusions!
Check up on your friend’s mental health 💛 #SuicidePrevention #SuicidePreventionMonth #MentalHealthAwareness
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