But it's not just Nigerian women

Black women are seen as less attractive than women of other nationalities across the world.

Certain facial features make us seem less attractive, even in the sex trade/prostitution according to this chart from the @TheEconomist https://twitter.com/MrOdanz/status/1304690107321114624
Then there is the issue of skin colour. The most "attractive" women in Africa are those that look the most European. Ethiopian women have lighter skin and slimmer noses.

This is a much more internationally accepted aesthetic
Now combine this with the fact that black women, especially Nigerian women, tend to be very well educated and career orientated.

Knowing that the wealthier and more successful a woman is the less desirable she becomes for marriage....
Its obvious that @MrOdanz point is true. But just maybe not for the reasons he thinks.
There are facts & stats beyond.the bants that paint a pretty ugly picture of what being female in Nigeria is like.
Child marriage, maternal death,domestic violence, oppressive inheritance laws and systematic discrimination exist beyond the bants.
Black women are considered undesirable/ugly ,are more likely to experience domestic violence& are more likely to die during childbirth

They experience racism in the workplace abroad/sexism the work place in Africa.
We can laugh at the bants and I have/will. But the stats tell a different story.
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