To convert 5 hours of F2F teaching to online has taken 4 days (32 hrs), so over 6x what it would have if I had been able to pitch up + deliver live 1/4
It required restructuring, editing slides, recording, re-recording when interrupted, uploading, requesting captions, editing captions, embedding, building quizzes, Blackboard reorganisation, creating a clear task list for students, + re-embedding YouTube snippets 2/4
Of course that was only after I had learnt new software, practised the software, bought a new microphone, waited 12 hours for Kaltura to process a 5 minute test + laughed at the poor automatic captioning ‘drugs uses of colonialism’ anyone? 3/4
Which is to simply echo what all teaching academics are going through right now. Massive time investments, steep learning curves, frustrations + a fear we are still not doing enough for our students. I hope that eventually this gigantic collective effort gets due recognition 4/4
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