It has always been the Plan B of British nationalists when they knew game might be up to start annexing parts of Scotland.
We saw it in 2014 with "referenda for the Isles" group whose named spokespeople didn't actually exist.
In 2003 Sir General Christopher Wallace discussed contingency plan with then Orkney Council Convenor, Hugh Halcro-Johnston (Dad of pompous Tory MSP) to turn Orkney & Shetland into Crown Dependancies, or similar, of England.
British Regime's track record on annexation isn't great!
No one in Scotland should be fooled by this issue being raised now in Shetland.
Both Orkney and Shetland have done extremely well as part of Scotland, with disproportionate parliamentary representation for their comparative population size.
You don't have to dig too deeply behind the proposal to quickly realise it is being pushed by rabid British nationalists.

Planned or actual annexation of a reinstated independent Scotland should be resisted.
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