THREAD: Please indulge me while I have a moment...

When I was a teenager I lived in a house with Xbox/cartoon addicted brothers & a Dad who was very strict about our one telly being ā€˜hisā€™ as soon as he got home from work. So I rarely got the tv to myself & thereā€™s only so much..
...Animaniacs a 15 year old can watch. Instead, I used to go to my room & listen to speech radio. It became something I did every night after finishing my homework until I went to sleep.

When I left school at 18, our teacher gave us a poster sheā€™d...
... drawn of our class as Mr Men. Mine had a speech bubble that said ā€˜last night, on the radioā€™ because itā€™d become a running joke that was how Iā€™d start all my sentences. Iā€™ve loved speech radio ever since. I love how you get to hear from real ppl all over the country & how...
....presenters end up feeling like friends. I love reading a headline & wondering what a presenterā€™s take on it will be. I love how the voice is paramount & no oneā€™s being judged on how they look. Over the years speech radio has entertained, challenged & moved me profoundly...
...Tonight at 7pm Iā€™m doing my first weekly show on @LBC.

My 15 year old self would be ecstatic.
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