Marijuana/Bhang/Vijaya/Ganja drug has been used in #Ayurveda from centuries,for management of many diseases.
Botanical source of plant is Cannabis sativa L. of family Cannabinaceae.
Practically naturalized in sub Himalaya, abundantly found in Punjab, Bengal,Assam, South.
Female cannabis plant's Flower bud & all flowering part is ganja/weed/marijuana.
Hashish (Charas)refers to resin collected from compressed resin glands of flowers of this plant.
Bhang is male part, non flowering, mostly of leaves,extracts of leaves,
stem, people use it in drink.
Ganja/Bhang/Vijaya has been described under Upavisha varga(Sub-poisonous plant group)in textbooks of Rasa Sashtra.
Its categorization under Upavisha may be due to its action on central nervous system in overuse.
It act on gastro intestinal system and various other system of body.
Nighantus of #Ayurveda details Vijaya under different plant groups by keeping the drug under various vargas like Guduchyadi, Karviradi, Abhayadind Shatapushpadi.
It pacifies Kapha, Vata dosha,
increases Pitta dosha, has Dipana, Paachan, Ruchya, Madakari, Vyavai, Rasayana action🙏
Main part use of Vijaya/Bhang for medicinal purpose,is its leaf powder in shodhita(Processed)form in a dose of 125-250 mg.
Ganja 60- 125 mg, Charas 30 mg
More than 150 Ayurveda medicines have Bhang as content- e.g.
Madanandand Modak,Jatiphaladi churn, Agnimukh Ras, sinduradi vati
Bhang is known to have nerve stimulant properties, it has diverse pharmacologic activities such as appetizer, digestive, antispasmodic, analgesic, anti-inflammatory, anticonvulsant, hypnotic, anti-psychotic, memory enhancer, cardio-protective, anesthetic, antiepileptic.🙏
Bhang has showed good outcomes in diseases like- IBS, dysentery, Hemarrhoids, fever, Insomnia, Migraine, convulsion, delirium, cancer therapies induced side effects, it has aphrodisiac properties.
But only under a good #Ayurveda doctor's observation.Self medication is dangerous🙏
Plz Note- in #Ayurveda Vijaya/Bhang is used only after it's shodhan (purification)
By shodhan it's medicinal properties increases and toxic effects decreases
Vijaya under Upavisha varga (Sub- poisonous group)hence advocated certain Sodhana karm before its internal administration.
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