She arranged a 'protest' of hipster middle-class liberals to support a separatist jihadi terror movement (East Turkistan), based on a video from 2018 that's been debunked 100s of times as fake yank news.

These 'woke' city kids doing Washingtons work for them.
The original video is piss funny, and has been thoroughly one of the first attempts at pushing this lie. the Arab Muslim presenting the video even claims shes a Uyghur.

Todays kids are mini propaganda tools for the US State dept. They even tricked muslims into standing with them
Here is a video about the situation in Xinjiang, The foul Salafi terrorism that the population has been subjected to thanks to NED/NGO funded "East Turkistan Islamic Movement". These animals have even driven cars through tourists inside Tiananmen Square.
Final word:

Uyghurs are part of the Chinese identity.

Westerners protesting a fake genocide isn't going to topple the Communist Party of China.

Blinding supporting the same Salafi Jihadists that have carried out terrorism in the west is a disgusting hole to fall down.
final final word:
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