calling someone ableist against MI people because they're asserting that autism isn't a disorder is like calling a genderqueer person misogynistic for asserting they're not a woman. it makes 0 sense. simply saying that something isn't something doesn't mean you're saying it's bad
there are plenty of MI people who don't consider their mental illness neurodivergent but ND people aren't saying they're throwing us under the bus and sayingND is inherently bad
the whole point of the neurodiversity movement is normalising differences in how our brains work and recognising this diversity as natural variations of being human.
the only way u can think of where ND throw MI people under the bus is when they say that neurodivergence is natural whereas MI is not, but i've only really heard this once so idk how common that belief is. idk i think my anxiety is quite natural because not having enough
serotonin in the brain occurs quite a lot in humans without anyone necessarily interfering, and even if someone or something causes this, that's still a natural response for something. like u gonna call my panic about cars unnatural because i got hit by a truck? nooo.
also saying NDs throw MI people under the bus just implies that you can't be both, and so many of us are MI and otherwise neurodivergent, and we don't have a problem with mental illness.
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