Does Owen Jones ever stop to wonder why the media has permitted him to become the "voice of the UK left"? I'll give him a little hint, it's because he's a nice, safe pair of hands.
If the best hearing the left can hope for is Jones popping up on newsnight to respectfully disagree with Caroline Flint then we're fucking doomed.
We spent years buying his books, retweeting him, backing him against the far right, I know someone who physically intervened when he was being targetted irl. When it really counted he let us down. That's why I'm almost more angry with the likes of him than with right wingers.
I'm going to have to ban myself from tweeting about him tbh because I'm boring myself now, but waking up to find him *a bit jolly miffed* about Flint libelling Momentum when he absolutely legitimised and amplified that smear is a bit fucking galling.
& I'm angry with myself that because of voices like his, who I vaguely trusted, pushed the narrative hard, I gave credence for far too long to the smears. It was only when Formby released the figures for AS in Labour that the scales fell from my eyes & I realised I'd been conned.
&, for the last time I'll say, as David Graeber did, there is AS in Labour because there is AS in society. But it's not widespread & it's left wingers who will fight it & who'll stand with Jewish people. Labour is not institutionally antisemitic đź‘Ť
Final tweet on this - don't buy his bloody book
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